How To Reverse EFT Payment On FNB

How To Reverse EFT Payment On FNB – The moving of money from one person to another, straight from one bank account to another bank account, is accomplished via the use of electronic funds transfers, often known as EFTs. ETFs make exporting better, faster, and more convenient because now you can pay the money directly to the person’s bank account rather than having to first go to your bank, withdraw cash, and then travel back to make a payment. Previously, this required you to make two trips: the first to withdraw cash, and the second to make a payment. Think about how huge of a lift this may be not just for your company but also for the economy as a whole.

However, there are drawbacks to practically anything, therefore it should not come as a surprise that exchange-traded funds (ETFs) also have certain limitations. It is possible to send electronic money transfers to the incorrect account sometimes, and one may not realize the mistake until after the transfer has been finalized. After that… Because of this, this page has been produced for users of FNB so that they may learn how to reverse an electronic funds transfer payment on FNB if they have accidentally made an electronic funds transfer.

What exactly is a reversal payment in financial terms?

A reversal, as the word itself suggests, is a movement in the opposite direction. If this were to occur, the money would be deposited into your account once again. If a consumer has placed a payment into the incorrect bank account, there is a remedy that may be suggested to them. As a result, if you are a holder of a FNB account, and for whatever reason you start an incorrect transfer, the following actions need to be taken by you.

How To Reverse EFT Payment On FNB

You will need to obtain and fill out a Payment Reversal Request Form before submitting your request. One may get a form by going to the following website: (to cancel the debit order, please scroll down to the bottom and select “cancel.” There are many distinct varieties. You should choose the one that best fits your needs.) In the event that you want to take money out of a business account, you will be required to provide a Waiver and Indemnity Form that has been duly completed in accordance with the Company Mandate. After that, you will append the copies to the request that you submitted.

After you have finished filling out the forms, you will need to send them by email to the Client Support Management – Recalls and Reversals Department of the bank at the following email address: After then, an automatic response with a Service Request Reference number should be sent to you. This number is important, and you should be sure to keep it safe so that you may refer to it in any further communications.

It is important to keep in mind that in order for the bank to speed up the process of reversing the money, the account holder must provide their approval. If the owner of the account does not agree to the transaction being reversed, then it will be necessary to cancel it.

If, on the other hand, the bank is successful in obtaining authorization to proceed with the reversal, then the bank will make sure that the account is still filled with the money that was placed into it by you. If there is money in the account, it will be returned to your account, or it may be returned to any other account that you choose, if there is money in the account.

How much time does it take to get your money back from FNB?

To reverse an ETF transaction typically takes between 5 and 10 business days to complete. A significant portion of the total amount of time required is determined by the financial institution into which the money has been deposited.

It is sometimes necessary for you to show evidence that payment has been made. How to get evidence that FNB has received money In the event that you have been given the instruction to furnish one, please do so. You will be able to produce a proof of payment with the help of the following procedures, which you can then provide to the bank in order to have your reversal processed.

Visit the website of the FNB, then use the information you provided during registration to log in to the bank’s online banking system. When you have successfully arrived on your dashboard, the Payments tab will be shown at the very top of the screen on your computer. I ask that you please click on it.

Your computer screen should now have a button labeled “Payments History” displayed on the left side of the screen; selecting this button will bring up a record of your past financial transactions. After finding the specific transaction that you are contesting, you will need to click on it in order to see evidence that payment was made. The download button may be found at the bottom of the screen on your own computer; click on it when the window comes up. Following that, you will need to save the file to your computer.

What you need to know about reversals of ETFs on the FNB platform

If it has been more than forty days after the original transaction, the request to reverse it will be denied. Even under such circumstances, the only way to get your money back is if it is still in the account that you gave it to. This procedure may only be carried out with the approval of the person who is currently using the account.

You are required to pay a cost of R298 each ETF transfer reversal, and you will be charged this amount regardless of whether or not the reversal is successful.

If, while making the transfer, you choose the option to “Pay & Clear Now,” or if the transaction is a “Scheduled Payment,” which is an automated payment, ETF reversals on FNB will not be available. This is because both of these options cause the transfer to be processed immediately.

In addition, any money that has been paid to businesses such as South African Revenue Services, or to businesses such as Edgars, Telkom, and SARS, or that has been deposited into accounts that are used to service Vehicle Finance Loans, Credit Cards, Insurance, or Municipal costs cannot be refunded.

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