Making an application for a student loan is a significant undertaking that requires thoughtful deliberation. You are, in fact, making an investment in your future or the future of your kid; however, you should make this investment intelligently. The repayment process for a Fundi loan is as follows:
Filling out an online application is required in order to submit a request for a Fundi student loan. You will need to provide Fundi with the following information in order to submit an application for a loan: your name, your e-mail address, your mobile phone number, and a brief explanation of the kind of loan you are interested in receiving.
When Fundi has finished processing the information you provided, they will come back to you and tell you that you need to supply them with specific papers before they can determine whether or not to grant your request.
However, how exactly do these loans function? Their loans are considered unsecured, which means that you are not required to provide anything in the way of collateral in order to get one. After you have been approved for their loans, Fundi will pay your education-related expenses directly to the institutions so that you don’t have to worry about it.
It is possible that your repayments will be taken out of your wages or paid for via debit orders. With this form of payment arrangement, you can be certain that you will always have a stable income from which your debit orders may be deducted.
Fundi anticipates that you will make repayments on a monthly basis, with interest rates and agreed-upon instalments varying according to the quantity of money you have borrowed and the amount of money you earn.
In order to submit an application for a loan from Fundi, you need to satisfy the following requirements:
- Proof of income
- Proof of address
- Proof of enrolment